Sunday, September 26, 2010

15 Years Pursuing a Cute Boy

These poems written of my love for you,
I've been sending them for 15 years straight
And there's still no reply

The first year, I was reckless
I wrote each and every day without fail
I licked stamps with insistence,
Sending you my heart's spit

The second year, I was still reckless
Setting my house ablaze wouldn't even catch my attention
In fact, my clothes caught fire from below,
And once I noticed, only the collar was left

In the third year, I calmed down
I'd already reached the limits of literature
I publicized my mixi journal,
And my favorites broke the counter

In the fourth year, I wrote for a magazine,
And I branched out into social issues
I decided to release a poem compilation,
And I made fun of salarymen

These poems written of my love for you,
I've been sending them for 15 years straight
And there's still no reply

By the fifth year, I was a pro poet
I captivated women 20 to 34
But since I was so earnest,
I saw other girls as inexperienced pansies

By the sixth year, my body was ruined
I'd already passed 2,000 poems
Not a bone hadn't been broken,
Not an organ hadn't been damaged

In the seventh year, I was in perfect form
So today, I'll compare you to something
Perhaps you're like extreme ironing
Perhaps you're like a compound inner product space

Even in the eighth year, I didn't change
So today, I'll compare you to something
Perhaps you're like winning every match in 16 sumo tournaments
Perhaps you're like an AMPA glutamine receptor

These poems written of my love for you,
I've been sending them for 15 years straight
And there's still no reply

On the ninth year, I had an accident
Apparently I suffered quite a blow to the head
And though I'd forgotten my own name,
I remembered only that I loved you

Through the tenth year, through the eleventh year,
My memories didn't return
And yet, I loved you
All I could want was your reply

Through the twelfth year, through the thirteenth year,
My memories didn't return
But I still loved you
That was all I had

Even by the fourteenth year, they still hadn't come back
Every day was frightening and uneasy
I just wanted a glimpse at you
I just wanted a word to you

In the fifteenth year, my memories returned
I remembered everything, and burst into tears,
Because I remembered...
That you died 15 years ago

These poems written of my love for you,
If they kept piling up, would they someday reach you?
Into what was your room,
Every day, they were thrown

I couldn't see you anymore,
And I kept loving you
But I thought we'd meet again
And you disappeared again

These poems written of my love for you,
I've been sending them for 16 years straight
And there's still no reply.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

about 2012 玛雅预言

英国最新麦田圈指向2012年冬至 它所传达的信息竟与古代玛雅预言有关 .2008年7月15日在英国威尔特郡的埃夫伯里庄园(Avebury Manor)出现了新的麦田圈,专家结合它的规模和麦秆倒伏情况进行实地考察,排除了人为制造的可能。这个麦田圈尤其引人注目的地方,是它所传达的信息竟与古代玛雅预言有关。
对古玛雅文明熟悉的人对这一时间可能并不陌生。对照西历,玛雅人长历法(Long Count Calendar)中本次人类文明结束的日子正是2012年12月21日。此后,人类将进入与本次文明毫无关系的一个全新的时期。在这一天(冬至)太阳将与银河系的黄道和赤道所形成的交叉点完全重合。此时的太阳恰好落在银河系的缝隙中,或者说银河系"座落"在地球上,如同为地球开启了一扇"天门"。玛雅人没有提到什么原因使本次文明终结。有一点看来很明确,这个终结日并不意味著人类文明的毁灭,而是在暗示一种关于全人类在精神和意识方面的觉醒和转变,从而进入新的时代。2012年12月21日这一天在西方世界早已倍受关注,甚至被传言成了地球毁灭的"世界末日",其实并不是。我们也可参照中国唐代预言《推背图》第五十二象里的"乾坤再造在角亢"一句。"角亢"是借传统上的东方青龙七宿寓指龙年(2012年),"乾坤再造"也正是有"更新"之意。
特别值得注意的是,玛雅人还预言2012年12月21日这一刻到来之前,我们地球和人类将有一次全面"净化"(EarthPurification)过程。根据玛雅历法我们生活在第五个太阳纪(公元前3113年--公元2012年止)。这个"大周期"又有具体的阶段划分和演化时期。从1992年到2012年这20年我们的地球已进入了"大周期"最后阶段的最后一个演化时期,玛雅历法称之为"地球更新期"(Earth Regeneration Period)。在这个时期地球上最败坏最变异的物质与不可救药的恶人都将被清除,本性与良知回归的能够被救赎的好人才被保留而进入下一个新时期。












